Description (35 Words) - Chart FX for COM combines 2 award-winning products in one powerful package. Chart FX Internet addresses ASP developers' need for online data visualization while Chart FX Client Server solves any COM desktop development charting requirements.
Chart FX for COM Includes:
Chart FX Internet Components
Chart FX Internet takes your ASP development to the next level. With the addition of the Resource Center and the completely redesigned Internet Designer, integration is easier than ever. Simply select or create the chart you want with very intuitive tools (including a chart wizard), copy the generated code into your project and voila!
Chart FX Client Server Components
Chart FX Client Server includes components specifically designed for COM desktop development with IDEs such as VB6, Visual C++, Delphi, C++Builder, and even Access and Visual FoxPro. This release leverages all of the features in our highly-acclaimed Chart FX for .NET in a product specifically designed for COM client server developersChartfx
上海道寧信息科技有限公司是一家專業從事軟件構件銷售,軟件構件化技術咨詢,軟件構件化應用和開發的高科技公司。公司自成立以來,已經與國內外眾多控件開發商建立了長期穩定的合作關系,是眾多商家在中國大陸地區的經銷商,同時我們也是上海科委下國家八六三項目“上海構件庫”的戰略合作伙伴。在公司全體同仁的共同努力下,我們已經成為目前中國有影響力的構件與中間件分銷商之一,有著廣泛的客戶基礎和良好的合作信譽。公司的產品包括上百種經過嚴格專業測試的主打產品以及上千種涵蓋各種開發語言和平臺、在市場中*的產品,數以千 計的項目經理和開發人員使用著我們推薦的開發工具,成功的控制了項目進度,節省了時間和資金投入。公司擁有的技術支持和*團隊,在構件領域積累了多年的豐富經驗,并與國內外眾多的構件開發商有長期的技術合作往 來,能夠為客戶提供構件解決方案和完善的技術咨詢與支持服務。
Chart FX for COM2 產品信息