1) BLz machines are suitable for use in normal environments and are also certified for use in Zone 21 and Zone 22 areas, where dust is present as a hazard as defined by ATEX Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) (II 2 D).1)新品vPoint機適用于正常環境中使用,也可使用在21區和開發區22個領域,其中 粉塵危害是一個目前由ATEX標準94/9/EC(ATEX認證95)。
2) EBK vibrators are explosion proof and are certified for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas, where flammable gases, vapours and mists are potential hazards.2)EBK等株化振動器是防爆,并使用在1區和2區地區,可燃氣體,蒸氣和煙霧的潛在危險認證。
3) ULBK vibrators are explosion proof and conform to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories Specification UL674 (File No.E74479) Class 1, Groups C and D; Class 2 Groups E,F and G up to 600V.3)ULBK振動器是防爆和符合美國保險商實驗室規格UL674(文件No.E74479)1級,C組和D的要求;類2組E,F和G高達600V。
The rotary electric vibrator range covers outputs from 216 Newtons (22kg) through to 181485 Newtons (18500kg).旋轉式電動振動范圍涵蓋從216牛頓(二十二千克)通過輸出到181485牛頓(18500公斤)。
All three series offer 2, 4, 6 and 8-pole models and most are available in both 50Hz and 60Hz versions.所有這三個系列提供2,4,6和8極型號,并且大部分都在50Hz和60Hz的版本。
A small DC-powered vibrator is also available.一個小型直流供電的振動也可用。