該軟件包中所有的JavaBean,Applets,Servlets和類庫可以使用于裝有Java虛擬機的任何平臺,包括Windows®, Linux, MacOS, Unix, Solaris, HP/UX, AS/400 和OS/390,用于集成自動化的條形碼功能到internet應用程序,網站或自定義Java應用程序。
The JavaBeans, Applets, Servlets and Class Libraries in this package may be used on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine, including Windows®, Linux, MacOS, Unix, Solaris, HP/UX, AS/400 and OS/390 to integrate automated bar coding into internet applications, websites or custom Java applications.
* 關于本產品的分類與介紹僅供參考,精準產品資料以介紹為準,如需購買請先行測試。
- 可在任何裝有Java虛擬機的操作系統上生成條形碼。
- 此產品的是的且免收版權費用的。
- 支持IDE環境的“拖放”JavaBean功能。
- 使用類庫來創建GIF和JPEG文件或AWT圖像。
- 兼容JDK1.1及以上版本包括Headless Java。
- 每個程序包都包含了一個servlet, applet, JavaBean和類庫,為Java中的條形碼提供各種各樣的選項。
- 用內含的Servlet創建服務器端的條形碼
- 源代碼提供給購買了無限的客戶。
- 添加Java條形碼功能到Oracle報表中。
- 現在支持USPS Intelligent Mail(又稱:OneCode)。
IDAutomation公司的Java條形碼組件支持若干條形碼符號規格,包括Code 39, 擴展Code 39, Code 128, UCC-128, EAN128, Code-128 Auto, PDF417, Interleaved 2 of 5, Data Matrix, LOGMARS, Codabar, UPC-A, UPC-E, MSI, EAN-8, EAN-13, GS1-128, Code 11, Code 93, Industrial 2 of 5, MaxiCode, PLANET, POSTNET和USPS Intelligent Mail (又稱:OneCode 4-State Customer Code)。
在Java Barcode Package中的許多產品的特性可以通過選擇“Servlet Demo”鏈接看到。該軟件包以一個ZIP文件的形式提供,其包含了JAR文件,文檔和Servlet,編碼器及applet的源代碼。
Java 包 | 符號編碼規格信息 |
Linear包 | Code 39, 擴展 Code 39, Code 128, Code 128 auto, AI detection for UCC/EAN128, GS1-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, UPC-A, UPC-E, MSI, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 11, Code 93, Industrial 2 of 5, POSTNET, PLANET & USPS Intelligent Mail. |
Aztec 包 | Aztec matrix 產生支持自動模式選擇并兼容GS1。AIM Specification ANSI/AIM BC13 ISS Aztec Code。 |
Data Matrix 包 | Data Matrix支持 ECC200, ASCII, text, C40和Base256編碼, Extended Channel Interpretation 和Structured 附加。 |
MaxiCode 包 | MaxiCode 支持structured 附加,UPS編碼和mode 2-6。 |
PDF417 包 | PDF417支持1到8級的EC標準,文本和二進制編碼。 |
注:在評估版本的限制是在條形碼中是顯示的“Powered By IDAutomation.com”水印。而得到許可的版本不包含該水印。
- 免收版權費用對購買了的客戶可用。
- 提供的Applets使條形碼功能很容易集成到web頁面上。
- JavaBean支持符合JavaBean的規范,使其在開發環境中易于集成和用戶自定義。
- 內置的Servlet提供在服務器端的Java條形碼圖像的生成并很容易的作為一個圖像用標簽嵌入到動態HTML中,還有支持Apache Tomcat服務器。
- 類庫將條形碼集成到Java應用程序中。
- 高質量的圖片支持GIF和JPEG圖像的生成并且不失真。
- 支持Java容器通過一些條形碼類提供,這些類繼承Java.awt.Canvas。
- 自動校驗數字計算對很多線性符號編碼類型是可以被啟用或被禁用的。
- 自動按大小排列選項可以自動地排列圖像使其更容易操作。
- 支持JDK1.1及更高版本。此外,使用servlet生成JPEG文件需要JDK1.2或更高版本,還有在應用程序中使用MaxiCode需要JDK1.3。
- Headless Java兼容性使其能夠在JDK1.4或者更高版本中生成圖像而不需要圖形環境。
- 與Oracle Reports的集成可以通過使用IDAutomation的Java類文件來實現。
- Code 128自動編碼為Code 128在線性程序包中提供的Code 128自動編碼,并支持UCC/EAN-128條形碼,其包括若干個AI的自動識別。
- 方向角可以被設置成0,90,180或270度。
- 靈活的尺寸選項允許改變X維度,寬窄比例,條形碼高,邊緣和在各條碼之間條碼與條碼之間的空白空間大小。
- 文本選項允許啟用或禁用人可讀的字符。人可讀的注釋對在特定的應用程序的自定義文本格式的布局往往是無效的。
- 圖形配置選項包括為人可讀的字符的前景和背景顏色和字體的設置。
- 增補支持向2個和5個數字EAN以及UPC附件提供。
- 支持UPS條形碼包括壓縮Maxicode碼。
- 支持USPS Intelligent Mail以及POSTNET, PLANET和 EAN128。
- 保護框可以輕松地為ITF和所有其他的線性條形碼類型創建保護框。
- 白色條碼增加選項增加了符號間的空白空間,提高了線性版本中的條形碼的可讀性。
- 字符分組屬性將數字以3,4或5個分為一組,改善了條形碼下面的文本的可讀性。
- 源代碼為程序包中的所有的applet,圖形編碼器以及servlet提供。條形碼生成類的源代碼不是必須的;但它們可以提供給那些購買了Unlimited Developer License和簽署了源代碼許可協議的客戶。
- 現有一個托管版本是可用的,使其能夠不用安裝任何軟件就能產生條形碼。IDAutomation的Dynamic Barcode Generation Service是一種容錯的,托管的產品,執行相同的Java servlet功能。條形碼是即時生成的并可以在HTML中用IMG標簽顯示;URL中的參數決定其編碼方式。
- Generate barcodes on any operating system with a Java Virtual Machine.
- Developer Licenses for this product are royalty-free and perpetual.
- "Drag and drop" JavaBean for supporting IDEs.
- Create GIF & JPEG files or AWT images with the class library.
- Compatible with JDK 1.1 and above including Headless Java.
- Each package contains a servlet, applet, JavaBean and class library for a variety of options to barcode in Java.
- Creates server-side barcodes with the included servlet.
- Source code provided with the purchase of the Unlimited Developer License.
- Adds Java bar code capability to Oracle Reports.
- Now supports USPS Intelligent Mail (AKA OneCode).
IDAutomation's Java barcode components support several barcode symbologies including Code 39, Extended Code 39, Code 128, UCC-128, EAN128, Code-128 Auto, PDF417, Interleaved 2 of 5, Data Matrix, LOGMARS, Codabar, UPC-A, UPC-E, MSI, EAN-8, EAN-13, GS1-128, Code 11, Code 93, Industrial 2 of 5, MaxiCode, PLANET, POSTNET and USPS Intelligent Mail (AKA OneCode 4-State Customer Code).
Many of the product features in the Java Barcode Package may be observed by choosing the "Servlet Demo" link below. The packages are provided in a ZIP file, which contains the JAR file, documentation and source code for the servlet, encoder and applet.
Java Packages | Symbology Information |
Linear Package | Code 39, Extended Code 39, Code 128, Code 128 auto, AI detection for UCC/EAN128, GS1-128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, UPC-A, UPC-E, MSI, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 11, Code 93, Industrial 2 of 5, POSTNET, PLANET & USPS Intelligent Mail. |
Aztec | Aztec matrix generation with automatic mode selection and GS1 compatibility. AIM Specification ANSI/AIM BC13 ISS Aztec Code. |
Data Matrix | Data Matrix with ECC200, ASCII, text, C40 and Base256 encoding, Extended Channel Interpretation and Structured append. |
MaxiCode | MaxiCode with structured append, UPS encoding and mode 2-6 support. |
PDF417 | PDF417 with EC levels 1 to 8, text and binary encoding. |
Note: The only restriction in the evaluation version is the "Powered By IDAutomation.com" watermark in the barcode. The licensed version does not contain the watermark.
Features and Benefits of the IDAutomation Java Barcode Packages:
The following features of IDAutomation's Barcode Java components allow for easy integration into business applications:
- Royalty free with the purchase of a Developer License.
- Applets are provided for easy integration of barcodes on webpages.
- JavaBean support conforming to the JavaBean specification allows easy integration and customization in a developmental environment.
- Servlets are included for server-side Java barcode image generation and are easy to embed in dynamic HTML as an image with the tag and support Apache Tomcat.
- Class libraries are provided for integration into Java applications.
- High quality images with GIF and JPEG support are generated that do not contain any distortion.
- Java container support is provided by the barcode classes, which are descendant of Java.awt.Canvas.
- Automatic check digit calculations may be enabled or disabled for many linear symbologies.
- Auto Sizing options automatically size the images for easier operation.
- JDK 1.1 and above is supported. However, JDK 1.2 or greater is required for the servlet to generate JPEG files and JDK 1.3 is required to use MaxiCode in an application.
- Headless Java compatibility allows images to be generated without a graphic environment in JDK 1.4 and above.
- Integration with Oracle Reports may be implemented using IDAutomation's java class files.
- Code 128 auto encoding is provided for Code 128 in the linear package and supports UCC/EAN-128 barcodes including automatic identification of several AI's.
- Orientation may be set to 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
- Flexible sizing options allow changes to the X dimension, wide to narrow ratio, barcode height, margins and the white space between the bars in the bar code.
- Text options allow the human-readable characters to be enabled or disabled. The human-readable interpretation is often disabled to allow placement of custom text formatting for specific applications.
- Graphic configuration options include settings of the foreground and background colors and fonts for human-readable characters.
- Supplements are supported for 2 and 5 digit EAN and UPC add-ons.
- Supports UPS barcodes including compressed Maxicode.
- USPS Intelligent Mail is supported as well as POSTNET, PLANET and EAN128.
- Bearer bars may be easily created for ITF and all other linear barcode types.
- White bar increase option increases the amount of white space in the symbol to improve readability in the linear version.
- Character grouping property places digits in groups of 3, 4 or 5 to improve readability of the text under the bar-code.
- Source code is provided for all applets, graphic encoders and servlets in the packages. The source code for the barcode generation classes should not be needed; however they may be supplied with the purchase of the Unlimited Developer License and a signed Source Code License Agreement.
- A hosted version is now available to allow barcodes to be generated without installing any software. IDAutomation’s Dynamic Barcode Generation Service is a fault tolerant, hosted product that performs the same functions of the Java servlet. Barcodes are instantly generated and may be displayed in HTML with the IMG tag; parameters in the URL determine what is encoded.