非標定制 自動化視覺測量儀Nonstandard Automatic Vision Measuring Instrument
儀器軟件功能介紹Software Function Introduction
1.1 測量功能measuring function:
手動測繪:可繪制點、直線、圓(同心)、圓弧、樣條曲線、垂直線、平行線等。便捷的操作。Manual mapping: drawing points, straight lines, circles (Tong Xin), arcs, spline curves, vertical lines, parallel lines, etc.. Convenient operation.
自動測繪:可自動測繪如:圓、直線、弧等圖形。具有自動尋邊、自動捕捉、自動成圖、自動去毛邊等功能,減少了人為誤差。Automatic mapping: automatic mapping, such as: round, straight, arc and other graphics. The utility model has the functions of automatic edge finding, automatic capture, automatic drawing, automatic deburring, etc., and the artificial error is reduced.
相關測繪功能:相交、距離、鏡像、夾角、點圓相切、兩圓相切等。Related mapping functions: intersection, distance, mirror, included angle, point circle tangent, two circles tangent, etc..
標注尺寸:可在實時影像中標工作表面的任意幾何尺寸,不同高度的角度、寬度、直徑、半徑、圓心距等尺寸。Dimensioning: any size, size, angle, width, diameter, radius, radius, etc of the image on which the image can be successfully received.
1.2 圖形功能graphic function
鳥瞰功能:能使被測工件直觀的顯示。可以在計算機屏幕上完整的展示被測工件上的尺寸位置及被測幾何元素之間二維圖形,并可以打印出工件的完整圖形和標注尺寸。Bird's eye view: visual display of the workpiece to be measured. On the computer screen, a complete display of the measured workpiece size, location and measured geometry between the two-dimensional graphics, and print the integrity of the workpiece graphics and dimensioning.
1.3 客戶坐標client coordinates
測量時無需擺正工件或夾具定位,用戶可根據自己的需要設置客戶坐標(工件坐標),方便、省時提高了工作效率。When measuring, the positioning of the workpiece or fixture is not required, and the user coordinates the coordinates of the workpiece according to the requirements of the user, so that the work efficiency is convenient and time saving.
1.1 1.4兼容Auto CAD compatible with Auto CAD
可將繪制好的工件圖及尺寸標注輸出到Auto CAD中,生成完整的1:1的工件圖紙,實現逆向工程。The drawn work drawings and dimensioning can be output to Auto CAD to generate the complete 1:1 drawings and realize reverse engineering.
1.5測量結果的輸出output of measurement results
拍照功能:可將當前工件影像及所標注尺寸同時以JPEG或BMP格式拍照存檔,并可調入到測量軟件中與實際工件做對比。Camera function: the image and the dimensioning of the current workpiece can be photographed and archived in JPEG or BMP format at the same time, and can be transferred into the measurement software to compare with the actual workpiece.
報表功能:用戶可輕易地將測量結果輸出到WORD、EXCEL中去,自動生成檢測報告。Report function: users can easily output measurement results to WORD and EXCEL, and automatically generate test reports.
1.6 SPC統計分析SPC statistical analysis
提供了一系列的管制圖及多種類型的圖表表示方法,使品管工作更方便,大大提升了品質管理的效率。Provides a series of control charts and various types of chart representation methods, so that quality control work more convenient, greatly improving the efficiency of quality management.
1.7 行位公差line tolerance
軟件提供了一系列的功能計算工件的形狀度和位置度。The software provides a range of functions to calculate the shape, degree, and position of the workpiece.
1.8 虛擬測量virtual measurement
軟件脫離影像式測量儀,使用純軟件測量的測量方式。針對大工件、多任務時,大大節省了測量時間。The software is detached from the image measuring instrument and uses pure software to measure patterns. For large workpieces and multi tasks, the measurement time is greatly saved.
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