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特點及用途> characteristics and uses of 本系列角坐閥是本公司引進國外生產技術,結合現代化工業應用研發而成的新一代氣動角座閥。它廣泛用于食品和化學過程,滅菌機,高壓消毒器,干洗機,啤酒生產線。與傳統角座閥相比,它具有以下新特點: 1、可視位置指示:可接限位開關或緊急手動裝置。 2、容易安裝:氣動頭可旋轉360 º。可方便地安裝一到二個限位開關。 3、*的氣動控制器:加厚工程塑料外殼,安全可靠。低磨損的活塞結構,容量大而低耗氣量。內部元件自潤滑,免維護。 4、具有多種控制方式:常開、常閉、雙動。 5、要求更小的氣動執行器:流體從閥桿上方流入時,可選更小的控制頭。 6、容易連接:MAMUR標準連接,嵌入式金屬接頭。 7、長壽命導桿:閥桿契形特氟隆(PTEE)密封,避免贓物導入。自潤滑,免維護。閥桿經特別處理以確保*固定,并能自動校正位置。 8、無水錘作用,流體從閥桿下方流入時,水錘(水沖擊力)被吸收。 9、*的閥體機構:流量比普通角座大30%,體積更小,流體流態更優。不銹鋼316閥體,特氟隆密封,耐高溫,耐腐蝕。壽命高達七百萬次。 This series of angle seat valve is the latest introduction of foreign production technologies, combined with modern industrial application of research and development from a new generation of pneumatic angle seat valve. It is widely used in food and chemical processes, sterilization machine, high pressure sterilizer, dry cleaning machines, beer production lines. With the traditional angle seat valve, it has the following new features: 1, visual position indicator: which can be accessed by limit switch or emergency manual device. 2, easy to install: pneumatic head rotating 360 º. Can be easily installed limit switch 1-2. 3, advanced pneumatic controller: thickening of engineering plastics shell, safe and reliable. Low wear of the piston structure, large capacity and low air consumption. Internal components of self-lubricating, maintenance-free. 4, with a variety of control mode: Normally open, normally closed, double-action. 5 requires a smaller pneumatic actuators: fluid from the stem above the inflow, the optional smaller control head. 6, easy to connect: MAMUR standard connector, embedded metal connector. 7, long-life guide: Lease stem-shaped Teflon (PTEE) sealed to avoid the import of stolen goods. Self-lubricating, maintenance-free. Stem, by special treatment to ensure that the best fixed, and can automatically correct location. 8, no water hammer effect, fluid flows from the stem below, the water hammer (water impact) has been absorbed. 9, advanced valve bodies: the flow angle than ordinary buildings 30% smaller, the fluid flow better. 316 stainless steel body, Teflon seals, high temperature, corrosion-resistant. Life expectancy of up to 7,000,000 times. 技術特性表> Technical characteristics of Table
注:*常閉無水錘 **常閉有水錘 A為ARES型 B為ZEUS型 Note: * ** normally closed water hammer water hammer has often closed ARES type A for type B for the ZEUS 絲扣連接尺寸對照表》Connect size table
法蘭連接尺寸對照表》Connect size table
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