AUTOMATED RADIATION AND WEATHER MONITORING SYSTEM GAMMA-AT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flexible and reliable multi-channel system for environmental and area radiation monitoring of large radiation-dangerous and radiation-sensitive targets Features
Application Automatic measuring post (AMP) Smart probe AT2343 provides absorbed gamma radaition dose rate measuring in the range from 25 nGy/h to 10 Gy/h. Two-chamber Geiger-Muller counters are used as detectors. Data from a smart probe is transmitted to a uniform terminal controller by RS485. Wind speed and direction sensor, precipitation sensor and temperature sensor, external indication board can be connected to the terminal controller. It is possible to provide the terminal controller with a radio unit, a radio station, a radio mast with TL antenna and (or) a telephone unit taking into account communication channels in use. Applied software of automatic measuring post provides digital data forwarding, so it is possible to extend automatic measuring post network to big distances. The system supplies from an uninterruptible power supply. There are two operation modes: an economical mode for operation under normal environment and the mode with frequent data transmission for operation under emergency radiation surrounding. It is possible to create independent databases and maintain data keeping for more that a year due to the nonvolatile memory.Local response center (LRC) PC is used as the central control unit, which is delivered together with the terminal controller. Applied software runs under Windows® and provides system configuration, data readout and its processing. There are a map of controlling area and dose rate value in control points on PC display. Dose rate values can be presented as a table or a graph with value averaging for any time period. The processing algorithm detects a sudden dose rate change and switches the emergency operation mode as a result. Alarm threshold exceeding in any smart probe or failure of any system unit are displayed on PC as color zones and accompanied by audible alarm. Acquired from smart probe dose rate results are kept in the datatbase.Specification
康寶萊儀表是一家專注于化工、冶金、石化、油氣開采、水利電力、醫藥衛生、城市公共設施建設技術領域內的*的提供商,我們多年來一直積極支持中國的建設與發展。在“服務客戶***”這一原則指導下,我們致力于通過**產品、集成化系統和上等的專門知識,提高生產率、效率和靈活性。 傳感器系統專業供貨商 康寶萊儀表通過其傳感器系統為您提供完整而*的傳感器技術。我們的解決方案涵蓋廣泛的不同應用和要求。無論使用我們**產品中的哪一款,您都可以信賴康寶萊儀表作為自動化領域世界市場***所提供的深厚技術和專門知識。 面向所有應用的豐富的傳感器產品 康寶萊儀表憑借廣泛的行業經驗和雄厚的技術實力,已穩居自動化系統市場***地位。康寶萊儀表憑借的能力,能為各個工業領域提供無比豐富、**的傳感器系統產品,可滿足各種行業應用的需求。我們的智能產品在精度和可靠性方面確立了,有助于提高您的競爭優勢。 從現場儀表到系統解決方案 康寶萊儀表提供豐富的過程和質量優化產品和系統。我們不僅提供***現場測量控制產品、還向化工、冶金、石化、油氣開采、水利電力、醫藥衛生、、城市公共設施建設等企業的自動化提供咨詢、設計、生產、安裝調試等的系統解決方案和強有力的技術支持。康寶萊儀表提供的久經驗證的全新設備范圍極廣,涵蓋單個傳感器設備直到系統解決方案,可在各種應用環境下使用。 康寶萊儀表擁有一批在工業測量和控制領域、信息技術領域工作多年的專業工程技術人員,在各種特定領域積累了豐富的應用經驗;有專門的事業部分別負責包括過程稱重、稱重配料系統、物液位測量、電量儀表、氣體分析、水質分析、流量測量等領域的產品和服務;我們相信品質源于專業,經過多年的不懈努力,獲得了廣大客戶的信任和同行的充分認可。
GAMMA-AT輻射和自動氣象監測系統 產品信息