Data Physics Abacus 901 Vibration Controller
DP901 是美國迪飛公司應用*新信號處理技術研發的新一代多功能振動控制系統,DP901具有80KHz隨機分析頻率,51200分析譜線,150dB動態范圍。振動控制過程中可以同步運行振動信號分析功能,分析功率使用獨立的采樣頻率或幀點數。DP901采用緊湊堅固的單盒或多盒級聯設計,每盒6個通道,其中兩個通道根據使用需要可靈活配置為輸入或輸出模式。系統可用網線直接供電,適合遠程操作。
Abacus 901
Abacus 906
Product Application 產品應用
Software Applications 應用軟件:
Random Vibration Control 隨機振動控制
Sine Vibration Control 正弦振動控制
Shock Vibration Control 沖擊振動控制
General FFT Analysis 常規FFT分析
Data Acquisition and Recording 數據采集和記錄
Structural Analysis 結構模態分析
The release of the controller software for SignalCalc Test Suite adds affordable, high performance vibration control to the Data Physics 900 Series hardware platform.The SignalCalc Test Suite provides a seamless environment for simultaneous vibration control and signal analysis.
Product Feature 產品特點
Simplified User Interface 簡化的用戶界面
The SignalCalc 900 Series user interface simplifies test setup and run time operations. Enter test profile and the configuration wizard automatically sets up associated control and measurement parameters. Import shaker parameters from a large database of standard models to verify test feasibility. All setup, project, test article, and customer information is saved along with measurement data in a database. Easily search for data from different test runs and test types for analysis and report generation.
SignalCalc 900系列軟件用戶界面簡化了參數設置和運行操作。進入測試參數設置文件,設置向導自動配置相關的控制和測量參數。從標準振動臺設備數據庫中導入振動臺參數,以驗證測試的可行性。所有的設置、項目、測試文件和客戶信息都存儲在一個數據庫文件中,可以輕松地從不同的測試文件和測試類型中搜索數據,方便后期分析和報告生成。
Enhanced Signal Analysis Tools 增強型信號分析工具
The SignalCalc 900 Series has a unique ability to add signal analysis measurements to a vibration control test. For example, narrowband FFT, third octave, and histogram measurements can run simultaneously with the vibration control test. These measurements are configured using independent sample rates, bandwidths, block sizes, etc. Independent acquisition, analysis and control systems are no longer required. Signal analysis measurements are immediately available, removing the delay of waiting for post processing of recorded data.
SignalCalc 900系列軟件具有的能力,可以將信號分析功能添加到振動控制測試中。例如,窄帶FFT分析、倍頻程分析和直方圖分析等可以與振動控制測試同時運行,這些測量分析是使用獨立的采樣率、帶寬、數據塊大小。不再需要兩套獨立的采集、分析和控制系統。信號分析測量瞬間啟動,消除了等待記錄數據的時間延遲。
User-Defined Real Time Signal Processing 用戶自定義實時信號處理
SignalCalc 900 Series signal processing tools set includes user-defined custom signal processing. These algorithms are processed during the test in real-time using the embedded digital signal processors in the 901 hardware. The results of these algorithms may be displayed during the test and saved with test data.
SignalCalc 900系列信號處理工具包括用戶自定義信號處理函數。這些函數算法在測試過程中使用了901嵌入式數字信號處理器硬件進行實時計算。計算的結果可以在測試期間顯示,并保存在測試數據中。
? Channel Math Creation of “User Channels” using mathematical operations on time domain signals from input channels: Integration, Differentiation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division of Channel, Matrix Math, Low Pass, High Pass and Band Pass Filtering.
? Signal Math
Creation of “User Signals”using mathematical operations on processed time and frequency domain signals: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, FFT, IFFT, CFFT, ICFFT.
Product Specifications 產品指標
Hardware 硬件
The 901 hardware’s powerful, real time, distributed digital signal processing engine is ideal for closed loop vibration control.
The 901 hardware provides up to 5 input channels and one drive channel. Features include: 單盒可支持5個輸入,1個輸出:
? Standalone real time signal processing 獨立實時處理,每盒可單獨使用
? Up to 6 channels including two reconfigurable channels (input, output, COLA)
? Simultaneous recording of time data to on-board SD card during measurements SD卡同步記錄測試數據
? AC or Power over Ethernet 使用AC適配器 或 網線直接供電
? Up to 216 kSamples/s for 80 kHz of alias free bandwidth 216KHz 采樣頻率,80KHz 分析頻率
? 24 bit analog to digital conversion with up to 150 dB dynamic range 24位 AD/DA,150dB動態范圍
? Dimensions: 7.32 in. x 4.64 in. x 1.40 in. (18.60 cm x 11.78 cm x 3.57 cm) 尺寸 18.60 cm x 11.78 cm x 3.57 cm
Software 軟件
? Random Frequency Range: up to 80 kHz 隨機分析頻率到80kHz
? Random Frequency Resolution: up to 51200 frequency lines 隨機譜線數:51200
? Sine Sweep Range: 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz 正弦頻率范圍:0.1Hz 到 20 kHz
? Sine Measurement: DC, RMS, Peak, Tracking Filter (Fixed or Proportional) 幅值測量模式:DC RMS 峰值 跟蹤濾波
? Shock Sample Rate: Up to 216 kSamples/s 沖擊采樣頻率:216kHz
? Waveform Types: Half Sine, Rectangular, Triangular (symmetrical or non-symmetrical), Sawtooth (initial or terminal peak), Trapezoid, Wavelet, Double Sine, Sine Burst, Imported File. 沖擊波形:半正弦,方波,三角波,鋸齒波,小波,雙正弦,猝發正弦,任意波形沖擊(導入數據文件)
? Shock Pulse Compensation: Rectangular, Symmetrical, Single, Double, Optimized Displacement; user specified pre- and post-pulse compensation in % or peak. 波形補償:矩形、對稱、單、雙、優化位移;用戶的前和后脈沖補償峰值百分比