賽默飛ARL easySpark 全譜直讀火花光譜儀可快速、準確、可靠的對固體金屬樣品進行元素從痕量到百分比含量的分析。這款全新的臺式火花光電直讀光譜儀專為有大量金屬分析需求的冶煉行業和實驗室而設計,可滿足汽車、航空、航天、消費品等多種行業的零部件生產過程中,對直讀光譜分析高質量低成本的需求。它基于多光柵/ CCD(電荷耦合裝置)的光學系統,可提供高水平的分辨率,同時具有安裝簡單、操作和維護方便的特性,使得金屬及合金生產行業的非專業人員也能快速高效的操作此儀器。
■ 智能數字光源帶來*分析性能及精度;
■ 傳承光譜火花臺設計、超高穩定性、使用安全;
■ 恒溫光室及半導體制冷CCD確保降噪效果及性能;
■ 光路設計、光譜分辨率;
■ 火花臺維護簡便快速、不需要工具;
■ *的氬氣智能管理模塊有效減少氣體消耗;
■ 惡劣條件下仍可對絕大多數金屬和合金進行快速元素分析;
■ 與光譜同一平臺的強大軟件。
無錫微準科技有限公司創始于2009年,座落在美麗的太湖之濱—無錫,是一家集研發,銷售汽車非標檢具、光學儀器、尺寸類儀器,理化檢測儀器,無損檢測儀器的專業性公司。 公司自成立以來一直秉承“精誠合作,共贏未來”的經營理念,以 “質量為先,服務至上”為宗旨,以“客戶和公司雙贏”為目標,不斷開拓創新,提高管理水平,在行業內有著良好的口碑。通過公司全體員工的努力,竭誠為國內外客戶提供優質的產品及服務來回饋客戶,期待與您共創美好未來! 歷年來我們已經為各種特殊行業提供檢測設備和技術,如汽車、航空、石化、造船、冶金、鐵路和核工業、常規能源、兵器、電訊和研究機械以及大型基礎設施。Wuxi Michtoyo Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009, is located in the beautiful coast of Taihu Lake - Wuxi, is a collection of R & D, standard gauge, optical instrument, instrument size car sales, physical and chemical testing instrument, nondestructive testing instrument professional company.The company has been adhering to the "sincere cooperation since the establishment of win-win future" business philosophy, to "quality first, service first" for the purpose, to "customers and win-win" as the goal, continuous innovation, improve the management level, has a good reputation in the industry. Through the efforts of all staff, and dedication to domestic and foreign customers to provide quality products and services to repay customers and look forward to working with you to create a better future!Over the years we have to provide a variety of special industry testing equipment and technology, such as auto, aviation, shipbuilding, petrochemical, metallurgy, railway and nuclear industry, energy, telecommunications, military weapons and machinery research and large-scale infrastructure.
直讀光譜儀 產品信息