誠通縫紉設備有限公司的前身是義烏誠通縫紉設備商行。商行成立于1998年夏天,炎熱的夏天沒有帶來旺銷,只是憑著“以誠致通,至誠至通”的信念,贏得同行的尊重和客戶的信賴。在競爭日趨激烈、客戶要求更高的義烏市場,公司*上網,的域名,開展網絡宣傳,進行網上貿易,并成功地為羅馬尼亞客戶配置了襯衫流水線及配件。 公司以經營日本JUKI產品為主,實現整機、配件一條龍服務,并且提供二手的JUKI設備,公司以完善的售后服務、*的維修技術,加上JUKI產品*品質,使用戶買得放心,用得稱心。服裝界麗雅達服飾有限公司和潘老大制衣有限公司的*襯衫生產流水線以及義烏長城針織品有限公司的針織流水線由本公司全權配置,是成功的*。 公司代理中國臺灣大島、鮑魚系列設備、“奇力”切布機、常熟臺板、廣東科藝電機、燙臺高溫海棉、上海佳友等系列產品,經銷日本重機、兄弟、飛馬、、森本、勝家、大和及德國杜克普和中國臺灣銀箭、寶獅、星菱、星銳等襯衫、西服和針織設備。常年現貨供應,同時備有日本重機、兄弟、飛馬、森本、銀箭、星菱、寶獅、大島、鮑魚、奇力切布機等原裝配件及佐文、廣賴旋梭以及東和牌梭殼。 我們為您提供的不僅僅是國內外的產品,同時為您提供*的全面服務以及以舊換新業務和技改項目。另外還有一些具有國外品質,但價格更有優執同類產品供您選擇。 為迎接WTO的加入,公司從2000年4月起轉變經營概念,一改以往的店面經營方法,*采用與接軌的office方式辦公,是目前全省范圍內。 公司將依托義烏中國小商品城的巨大輻射力,與廣大業內外人士共同發展,并以科學的管理,樹立自己企業的網絡品牌。“以誠致通,至誠至通”是我們永恒的信條。 Chengtong Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd. Is based on the former ”Yiwu Chengtong Sewing Equipment Hong” that was founded in the summer in 1998. The hot summer didn”t bring good sales, but it was obtained the respect from the craft brother and trust from customers. With more and more sharp competition and more and more high requirements from clients, our company took the lead to use Internet, applying for the developing network propaganda and making net trade, and equipped successively the shirt pipeline and fittings for Romanian clients. Our company mainly deals in Japanese JUKI products with the coordinated process of whole machine and fittings. Meanwhile providing the reach-me-down JUKI equipment. Our company makes the users buy goods at ease and use products with satisfaction, with the perfect after-sales service and fine maintenance technique, in addition of the outstanding quality of JUKI. The famous enterprises in garment circle such as liyada garments co., Ltd. Panlaoda clothing Co., Ltd. And Yiwu changcheng knitting Co., Ltd. Are the successful examples that we equipped fully the most advanced shirt pipeline and knitting pipeline. Our company acts as agent for Taiwan OSHIMA and BOUYUE series of equipment, QILI clothe slitting machine, Changshu sewing table, Guangdong KEYI electric machine, ironing board highheat eponge, Shanghai BESTFRIEND and other series of products. We also sell Japanese JUKI, BROTHER, PEGASUS, HANYU KANSAISPECIAL, SINGER and YAMATO, German DURKOPP and Taiwan SIRUBA,KINGTEX,SHINGLING,SHING RAY and other shirt, western-style clothes and knitting equipment, We provide the ready products at the same time, in sock of original fittings of Japanese JUKI,BROTHER,PEGASUS,KANSAISPECIAL,SIRUBA,SHINGLING,KINGTEX,OSHIMA,BOUYUE,QILI cloth slitting machine machines and KOBAN,HINASEHAAKS rotating shuttle,and TOWA bobbin case. We provide you not only with the both here and abroad famous brands products, but also with the first-rate, overall service, as well as the business of changing new products with the old and the projects of technical innovation. In addition, you can choose some other same products with the quality of foreign famous products and more advantageous price. To welcome the entrance of WTO, our company has changed the business conception since April 2000,adopting the international Office. Working manner instead of the former shop business way, which is the first one in Zhejiang province at present. Relying on the giant radiating force of Yiwu China Commodity City, our company has developed together with various people in the internal or external lines, and set up our own network brand with scientific management, ”Honesty leads to success”, ”Most honest, most success” are our permanent belief.
高速單針平縫機 產品信息
產品特點: .1,穩定可靠的縫紉品質 2.效率* 3.省電、省工 4.經濟實用、高效節能 5.品質穩定可靠何服系統可自由搭配,適合各種實際情況: 采用zui流行的款式,機電一體化、各項功能由電腦控制,噪音小、振動低、全自動潤滑系統, 適用于中、厚料縫紉。具有“加固縫”“檔線”“切線“模式”等功能。采用連桿送料及倒送料距可調機構,zui大限度減少了高低速、倒順縫紉時的針距誤差。效率*的高速平縫機: 由于采用牙架曲柄偏心軸,送布牙的前后傾斜度可自由調整,zui大限度減少起皺及上下縫料誤差,高速縫紉時非常穩定,并能獲得理想的縫制效果。