Kytola儀器是現代的,但同時又是是一家傳統的制造商和測量儀器的。它是一個獨立的家族企業,用的誠信服務所有客戶。Kytola公司成立于1945年。主要目標是生產高品質和功能的測量儀器。根據這個目標Kytola 穩步增長,在過去的幾十年里,產品用于世界各地的國際公司。廣泛應用于紙漿、造紙、金屬和化工領域。
芬蘭kytola instruments流量計、kytola instruments多管流量表、kytola instruments多管流量計、kytola instruments、kytola instruments壓力計、kytola instruments止回閥、kytola instruments橢圓齒輪流量計、kytola instruments密封液體顯示器
Model 2950
Oval Gear Meter model 2950 is designed and developed for lubrication oil measurement in demanding industrial environments. The model 2950 oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature or viscosity changes. The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears which the flow rotates.
A coil sensor or an inductive proximity switch picks up the rotation and the pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters or automation systems. Typical applications include lubrication oil measurement, industrial oil flow monitoring, and process control.
Model 2951
Oval Gear Meter model 2951 is designed and developed for lubrication oil measurement in demanding industrial environments. The model 2951 oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature / viscosity changes.
It comes with a flow adjustment valve. The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears which the flow rotates.
A coil sensor or an inductive proximity picks up the rotation and the pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters or automation systems. Typical applications include lubrication oil measurement, industrial oil flow monitoring and process control.
Model 6210
Oval gear meter model 6210 is designed for measuring and monitoring of corrosive and viscous liquids. The model 6210 oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature / viscosity changes.
The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears, which the flow rotates. An inductive proximity sensor picks up this rotation and the pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters or automation systems. Typical applications include chemical dosing, industrial flow monitoring and process control.
Model SR
The Kytola Oval Gear Meter Model SR is designed and developed for lubrication oil measurement in demanding industrial environments. These meters are compatible with and part of our complete oil lubrication systems package Oval Flow Monitoring System.
The model SR oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature or viscosity changes. The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears which the flow rotates. A coil sensor or an inductive proximity sensor picks up the rotation. The pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters, or automation systems. The meter comes with a flow adjustment valve.
Typical applications include lubrication oil measurement, industrial oil flow monitoring, and process control.
Model SR-x
The Kytola Oval Gear Meter Model SR-x is designed and developed for lubrication oil measurement in demanding industrial environments. These meters are compatible with and part of our complete oil lubrication systems package Oval Flow Monitoring System.
The model SR-x oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature or viscosity changes. The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears which the flow rotates. A coil sensor or an inductive proximity sensor picks up the rotation. The pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters, or automation systems. The meter comes with a flow adjustment valve.
Typical applications include lubrication oil measurement, industrial oil flow monitoring, and process control.
Model SRx-x
The Kytola Oval Gear Meter Model SRx-x is a multi-meter model designed and developed for lubrication oil measurement in demanding industrial environments. These meters are compatible with and part of our complete oil lubrication systems package Oval Flow Monitoring System.
The model SRx-x oval gear meter is a positive displacement flow meter which always shows the correct flow rate regardless of oil temperature or viscosity changes. The flow meter consists of two elliptical gears which the flow rotates. A coil sensor or an inductive proximity sensor picks up the rotation. The pulse signal can be transferred to indicators, counters, or automation systems. The meter comes with flow adjustment valves.
Typical applications include lubrication oil measurement, industrial oil flow monitoring, and process control.
VLK-7405+2914-D/VL、SLM8-GH03-G 09EN
KK-4AA-D0-40L/min medium H20
1LK-M30-FR10-55VDC 400MA, D15MM, two-wire NFIP67, with NC function, IFM
VLK-7415-D range 3-17L/min、VLK-7410-D range 3-10L/min
2914D-6/VL connection with VL-type flow meter adapter
pe flow meter adapter
KA-PE02-D range13 l/min alarm7.8 l/min
KA-PE01-D range23 l/min alarm13.8 l/min
Kytola SLM3-GP/0.1-3L/min, 0-10bar
VDK-BD05-D, 0-8 l/min、KK-4EA-D, 10-120L/min
MODEL 2914D-6/VL VLK-7405-D;5L/MIN
凌圣機電科技(上海-東莞-成都-天津),成立于2005年,專注為中國制造業提供德國、日本及歐盟傳動類工業品配件、技術支持和解決方案,擁有近15年的工業品技術服務經驗。目前已獲得德國ELBE聯軸器、德國Wippermann鏈條、德國Murtfeldt鏈條導軌、森科嘉SENQCIA鏈條、日精Nissei GTR減速機、SPG減速電機、德國ETP聯軸器等品牌代理證書。公司在德國設立分公司,擁有與德國原廠技術對接、商務淡判、大宗交易。可直接為國內制造企業輸入*與服務。
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