Kytola儀器是現代的,但同時又是是一家傳統的制造商和測量儀器的。它是一個獨立的家族企業,用的誠信服務所有客戶。Kytola公司成立于1945年。主要目標是生產高品質和功能的測量儀器。根據這個目標Kytola 穩步增長,在過去的幾十年里,產品用于世界各地的國際公司。廣泛應用于紙漿、造紙、金屬和化工領域。
芬蘭kytola instruments流量計、kytola instruments多管流量表、kytola instruments多管流量計、kytola instruments、kytola instruments壓力計、kytola instruments止回閥、kytola instruments橢圓齒輪流量計、kytola instruments密封液體顯示器
Model MP-O
Metal Tube flow meter model MP is a compact flow meter with AISI 316L stainless steel parts. It is designed to withstand high pressure, temperature and aggressive media. It is compatible for a wide range of liquids or gases. Its reliable and accurate flow measurement is based on a variable area metering principle using a free-floating float. Typical applications are chemical and petrochemical industries, power plants and general flow measurements.
Model MP-W
Metal Tube flow meter model MP is a compact flow meter with AISI 316L stainless steel parts. It is designed to withstand high pressure, temperature and aggressive media. It is compatible for a wide range of liquids or gases. Its reliable and accurate flow measurement is based on a variable area metering principle using a free-floating float. Typical applications are chemical and petrochemical industries, power plants and general flow measurements.
VLK-7405+2914-D/VL、SLM8-GH03-G 09EN
KK-4AA-D0-40L/min medium H20
1LK-M30-FR10-55VDC 400MA, D15MM, two-wire NFIP67, with NC function, IFM
VLK-7415-D range 3-17L/min、VLK-7410-D range 3-10L/min
2914D-6/VL connection with VL-type flow meter adapter
pe flow meter adapter
KA-PE02-D range13 l/min alarm7.8 l/min
KA-PE01-D range23 l/min alarm13.8 l/min
Kytola SLM3-GP/0.1-3L/min, 0-10bar
VDK-BD05-D, 0-8 l/min、KK-4EA-D, 10-120L/min
MODEL 2914D-6/VL VLK-7405-D;5L/MIN
凌圣機電科技(上海-東莞-成都-天津),成立于2005年,專注為中國制造業提供德國、日本及歐盟傳動類工業品配件、技術支持和解決方案,擁有近15年的工業品技術服務經驗。目前已獲得德國ELBE聯軸器、德國Wippermann鏈條、德國Murtfeldt鏈條導軌、森科嘉SENQCIA鏈條、日精Nissei GTR減速機、SPG減速電機、德國ETP聯軸器等品牌代理證書。公司在德國設立分公司,擁有與德國原廠技術對接、商務淡判、大宗交易。可直接為國內制造企業輸入*與服務。
芬蘭Kytola流量計 金屬管流量計 進口流量計 產品信息
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