床面的縱向往復運動是通過曲柄連桿式傳動機構來實現的,電動機通過皮帶傳動使大皮帶輪帶動曲軸旋轉搖桿隨之作上、下 運動,搖桿向下運動時,肘板推動后軸和往復桿向后移動,彈簧受到壓縮床面是通過聯動座和往復桿相連的,所以此時亦使床面作后退運動,當搖桿向上運動時,由于受到彈簧的伸張力推動,床面隨之向前運動,特點選別過程穩定,容易控制,給礦濃度允許變化范圍大,富集比高、回收率高,占地面積小、耗水量少,結構簡單,無需動力,處理量大,安裝簡易,操作方便。玻璃鋼選礦搖床是用以分選細粒原材料的重力選礦機器設備,它市場應用于分選鎢、錫、鉭、鈮和任何有色金屬和貴重金屬鐵礦石,也可用以分選鐵、錳礦石和煤。當處置鎢、錫礦石時,搖床的合理收舊粒度分布范疇為 2-0.04 mm。選礦搖床用于選別沙金時,回收率可高達98%。
石城縣萬順通選礦設備有限公司 位于江西省贛州市石城縣古樟工業園,是一家專業集科研、制造、銷售及服務為一體的冶金選礦機械設備企業。 本公司從事選礦設備產品的設計與生產已有十多年的歷史,積累了豐富的設計和生產經驗。公司主要制造的產品有選礦搖床、浮選設備、破碎設備、研磨設備、磁選設備、振動篩分設備、分級設備、攪拌設備、螺旋溜槽、跳汰機、給礦設備、砂泵、輸送設備等系列。我們還可以根據客戶要求定做各種型號的選礦機械設備。公司生產的產品廣泛用于選別金、銀、銅、鐵、鎢、鉛、鋅、錫、鉬、鎳、鉭、鈮、錳礦石、煤、獨居石、金紅石、金鋼石、其他稀有金屬和貴金屬礦,及用于浮選有色、黑色、貴金屬礦物等。
Shicheng Wanshuntong Mining Equipment Co., Ltd, is located in guzhang industrial park, shicheng county, ganzhou city, jiangxi province, China. Our company is specialized in searching, manufacturing, sales and service of metallurgical mining equipment. We produce ore shaking table, flotation machine, crushing and grinding machine, magnetic separator, vibration screening machine,ore classification machine, ore mixing machine, spiral chute, jig machine, ore feeder, sand pump, conveyor belt system,etc. We can also produce various types of mineral processing machines according to customer’s special requirement.
Our products are widely used in separation of gold, silver, copper, iron, tungsten, lead, zinc, tin, nickle, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, manganese ore, coal, monazite, rutile, diamond and other rare metals and precious metal ores, and flotation separation of nonferrous metals, black, precious metal minerals etc.
With more than 10 years of rich experience in professional mineral processing equipment design and production, our products sold throughout China and exported to North Korea, Burma, Vietnam, Russia, Africa and other countries and regions. With reasonable price, stable quality, comprehensive sales service, our products win the valuable recognition and trust from our customers.
Our company have won the Outstanding Business Award for many times as an honesty and contract trustworthy unit, is the backbone of metallurgical mining equipment industry.
Adhering to the business principle philosophy of “ Quality first, Reputation greatest”, all of our staff will strive to create a brilliant achievements in future.