ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1接口模塊
ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1接口模塊如果出現電池電量不足警告(BATT LED亮起),請在斷開機架電源之前更換電源中的電池。否則,數據可能會損壞或應用程序將從內存中清除。為避免丟失RAM內存內容的機會,您可以在打開PLC電源的情況下仔細執行以下步驟。ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1該程序只能由經過適用電氣安全規則和程序培訓的合格電氣人員執行。不遵守標準電氣安全規程可能導致人員受傷或死亡,設備損壞,或兩者兼而有之。小心地將大約1/4英寸(6 mm)的袖珍小螺絲刀插入位于電池蓋下方的電池蓋拆卸槽中(參見上圖)。輕輕旋轉螺絲刀約45度以松開電池蓋。ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1
If a Low Battery Warning (BATT LED tABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1urns ON) occurs, replace the battery located in the power supply before removing power from the rack. Otherwise, there is a possibility that data will be corrupted or the application program will be cleared from memory.To avoid the chance of losing the contents of RAM memory, you can carefully perform the following steps with PLC power ON. This procedure should only be performed by qualified electrical personnel who are trained in applicable electrical safety rules and procedures. Failure to follow standard electrical safety practice can result in injury or death to personnel, damage to equipment, or both.Carefully insert the tip a small pocket-size screwdriver approximately 1/4 inch (6 mm) into the battery cover removal slot, located beneath the battery cover (see previous figure).Gently rotate the screwdriver about 45 degrees to loosen the cover.ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1
型號:ABB CI541V1 3BSE014666R1接口模塊
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