申請打樣或產品咨詢For proofing or product consulting:
:劉先生 (市場部)
Contact: Mr. Liu (Marketing Department)
Shanghai Qian Xin CNC Technology Co., Ltd.
電話: (86)
地 址:中國.上海市.普陀區.金沙江路1060號申漢大廈C座1204室.
Address: mailbox 1204 ,block C of Shen Han building,No. 1060 Road Jinsha River,Shanghai,China
With the basic functions of standard type printer
Suitable for: suitable for printing a smaller range of large workpiece; have a certain weight, not easy to move the workpiece, such as: large valves, large body, boiler, pipe, cylinder etc.
軟件應用系統Application software system :wandows98wendows2000wendowsXP
打印速度: 3-5 字符 / 秒
Print speed: 3-5 characters per second
打印深度: 0.01-2mm可調(視材質而定)
The printing depth: 0.01-2mm adjustable (as materials and decide)
Print content: in English character, numbers, graphics (by marking software editing)
Editor: serial number (serial number) automatic printing, storage, heavy number automatic detection, identification of bar code
Automatic storage: the automatic storage file and print content
Simulations show that: the marking effect can be observed directly on the screen
打印材質:各種金屬( HRC65 以下硬度),各種硬質材料( PVC 膜、塑 料、電木等)
Print material: all kinds of metal (HRC65 hardness), various hard materials (PVC film, plastic, bakelite etc.)
高度調節范圍 The height adjustment range:0-330mm
打印針沖擊頻率 Print needle impact frequency:200-300次/秒
精度保證:連續工作5年字型精度誤差≤ 0.01
Precision guaranteed: work for 5 consecutive years shape accuracy error≤ 0.01
工作電壓 Working voltage: 220VAC
工作氣源 Work gas: 0.5~0.7Mpa , 3L/S
整機功率 The complete machine power:300W