本機適用于制藥及其他工業粉狀或 顆粒狀物料的混合之用。 它通過機械傳動,使兩個不等高的V 型圓柱體內的物料做往復翻動,達到均勻混合之目的。 本機具有筒體,不積料,速 度快,混合時間短的特點。筒體采用不銹鋼材料制成, 內外壁拋光, 外形美觀。進料可手工加料或真空吸料,出料采用轉閥和快速旋蓋。 | This Mixer is applicabe for mixing powdery or granular materials in pharmaceutical and other industries. It consists of two v-type cylinders of different altitudes, and through machinical transmission the materials in these cylinders are made to move back and forth and turn over again and again. Thereby achiering the goal of uniform mixing. This Mixer has the following distinguishing features. No blind angle in the cylinders, no accumulation of materials. High speed, and short mixing mixing time. With the body made of stainless steel and both inner and outer walls polished.The cylinders have elegant appearance. The charging of materials can be made either by manual operation or through vacuum suction. For discharging, rotating valves and rapid swivel heads are adopted. |