▌澆注機自動將精磨好達到一定精細度的夾心料均勻澆注到異形威化半球體內,是每個半圓球的重量一致, 每顆圓球的重量3-7 克內可調節,大體積的重量相應遞增;產品進料、出料自動完成, 注料方式有氣動澆注和伺服澆注兩種可供選擇, 伺服控制的澆注精準度較高。
The Chocolate Casting machine automatically grinds the essence to reach a certain degree of fineness. The sandwich material is evenly casting into the Special Shape Wafer Sheets. Corresponding increase;The weight of each half ball is from3to 7 grams adjusting,large volume weight increases accordingly. Product inlet and materials are automatically completed. The Casting method has two types of options: pneumatic casting and servo casting.The accuracy of servo casting is relatively high.