小型蒸鍍儀鄭州科探儀器KT-Z1650CVD是一款小型臺式加熱功率可控蒸發鍍膜儀,儀器雖小功能齊全,配備有電壓 電流反饋,樣品臺旋轉,樣品高度調節,及電動擋板功能。通過定時調節預熱功率及蒸發功率,可對大部分金屬進行均勻蒸發沉積,真空腔室為透明石英玻璃減少樣品污染,樣品臺可旋轉以獲得更均勻的薄膜,可制備各種金屬薄膜和有機物薄膜
Small evaporation instrument Zhengzhou scientific exploration instrument kt-z1650cvd is a small desktop heating power controllable evaporation coating instrument. Although the instrument is small and fully functional, it is equipped with voltage and current feedback, sample table rotation, sample height adjustment and electric baffle functions. By regularly adjusting the preheating power and evaporation power, most metals can be evenly evaporated and deposited. The vacuum chamber is transparent quartz glass to reduce sample pollution. The sample table can rotate to obtain more uniform films, and various metal films and organic films can be prepared
小型蒸鍍儀.14.jpg" style="max-height: 1509.6px; max-width: 800px;" src="http://img57.mtnets.com/5/20240424/638495748556062551484.jpg">
控制方式 | 7寸人機界面 手動 自動模式切換控制 |
加熱方式 | 數字式功率調整器 |
鍍膜功能 | 0-999秒5段可變換功率及擋板位和樣品速度程序 |
功率 | ≤1200W |
輸出電壓電流 | 電壓≤12V 電流≤120A |
真空度 | 機械泵 ≤5Pa(5分鐘) 分子泵≤10^-3Pa |
擋板類型 | 電控 |
真空腔室 | 石英+不銹鋼腔體φ160mm x 160mm |
樣品臺 | 可旋轉φ62 (可安裝φ50基底) |
樣品臺轉速 | 8轉/分鐘 |
樣品蒸發源調節距離 | 70-140mm |
蒸發溫度調節 | ≤1800℃ |
支持蒸發坩堝類型 | 鎢絲藍 帶坩堝鎢絲藍 鎢舟 碳繩 |
預留真空接口 | KF25抽氣口 KF16真空計接口 KF16放氣口 6mm卡套進氣口 |
可選配擴展 | 機械真空泵(可抽真空 5分鐘<5Pa) 數顯真空計(測量范圍大氣壓到0.1Pa) 分子泵機組(可抽真空20分鐘≤5x10-3Pa) |