溫度范圍 室溫 - 1200°C
恒溫準確度 ±1 °C
溫度精確度 ±1 °C
升溫速率 0.1 – 500 °C(線性)
>2000 °C(沖擊)
爐體冷卻(強制空氣/氮氣) 1200 ~ 35 °C <10 min
大樣品量 750 mg
動態稱重范圍 ±100mg
稱重準確度 ±0.1%
稱重精確度 ±0.01%
靈敏度 <0.1 μg
短期噪聲(rms) <0.03 μg
基線線性(50-1000°C) <1 μg
基線漂移 <10 μg
(50-1000°C, 20°C/min, 氮氣吹掃, 無基線扣除)
信號分辨率 0.001 μg
彩色觸屏用戶界面 標配
高分辨TGA™ 標配
調制TGA™ 標配
自動步階TGA 標配
25位自動進樣器 標配
集成電磁鐵 標配
可加熱EGA爐適配器 選配
雙氣路氣體輸送模塊 標配
4氣路氣體輸送模塊 選配
真空操作 >10-2 torr
TGA/MS聯用 選配
Shenzhen Hua General Science and Technology Co. , Ltd. , specializing in the provision of laboratory analysis and testing equipment and automation programs. The company is divided into instrument agent and self-development of two major business plates. The agency business is and the International well-known Instrument Company cooperation, is engaged in the equipment agency as well as after-sales service. Autonomous R & D Business is a combination of automation, robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence technology to provide customers with standardized instruments and automated solutions to reduce the intensity of laboratory staff, improve work efficiency and quality at the same time. Huapeng has a highly efficient R & D team and technical sales force, in the company's more than 10 years of development process has accumulated a large number of industry cases and experience. Huapin is willing to cooperate with customers and partners through unremitting efforts, always focusing on providing smart laboratory solutions to help customers succeed!