本機專門針對橡膠、塑料 及各種絕緣材料之熱老化性做測試,其性能與一般老化爐不同,本機之設計具備有:
a. 溫度調節精度。
b. 溫度分布均勻。
c. 開門后溫度回升速率。
d. 試驗槽內之風速及換氣率。
e. 試驗槽內之隔熱密封。
f. 特殊換氣率調整裝置。
g. 依據測試標準:
jis k-7217, k-7623, k-6301, astm d-2436, d-573, ul-746b, iec-540, bs-6746, 903, iso/dis 4577
this method measures the air change rate of the std type oven as follows
n=3590 (x-y)x2 / vxdx
n: number of changes of air per hour
x: power consumption during air change (w)
y: power consumption during no air change (w)
v: total volume of oven (cm3)
d: density of oven ambient air (g/cm3)
t: temperature difference inside/outside oven (°c)