the polyskop swob 5 is a compact two-channel sweep is as well suited for applications in the laboratory,in test and production departments as for all users who find most of all simple operation an important requirement besides large-screen display for single and high-quantity measurements.recording may be performed by use uf a recorder or photographic attachment.for the adjustment of the sweep width ,there are four possibilities.the total frequency range from 0.1 to 1000mhz can be swept in a single sweep or the sweep width is continuously adjustable from 5 to 1000mhz for broadband measurements .for marrow-band operation,the sweep width can be continuously adjusted from a maximum sweep width of approxtmay 50 mhz to a minimum sweep width of approximay 300 khz .it is also possible to cut off sweep operation altogether so that a signal generator is obtained that can be continuously tuned through the range from 0.1 to 1000 mhz(cw operation).
pulse or line markers provide orientation along the frequency axis,the marker amplitude or intensity being continuously adjustable. a manually adjustable bright-up marker ,at which the sweep is stopped for a short time, allows triggering of a frequency counter connected to the rf monitoring output.external markers can be fed the lower screen edge,the individual sweep range se-lected is indicated by a bright-up bar on a scale .sweep time can be continuously adjusted from 20 ms to 2 s .the measurement curves are displayed on a long-persistence screen with a diagonal diameter of 28cm.
the receiver section consists of a measuring head and a deflection amplifier .termination and in-sertion units as well as probes are available as measuring heads.
the deflection amplifiers are designed as plug-ins,enabling the user to equip the sweep tester with one or two channels and with linear and/or logari thmic amplifiers to meet all possible requirements.
儀器種類有:模擬、數字存儲、取樣、立體聲、矢量、多通道、慢掃描、教學演示、雙線高靈敏度、記憶示波器等;頻譜分析儀、調制度測量儀、音頻分析儀、邏輯分析儀、無線電綜測儀、合成信號源、函數信號源、脈沖信號源、高頻信號發生器、微波信號源、高頻掃頻儀、低頻掃頻儀、晶體管圖示儀、電子管測試儀、集成電路測試儀、耐壓測試儀、功率計、失真儀、頻率計、微波頻率計、直流穩壓電源、交流穩壓電源、萬用電橋、毫伏表、電工表、多位數字萬用表、調壓器、彩電信號發生器、彩顯信號發生器、示波器探頭、電流探頭等各種儀器。詳細資料請參看我中心網站。 tyyq123@ 我中心的宗旨是:以質量求生存,以信譽求發展