burkert 0041876224VDC 寶德流量開關Flow transmitter can be used for the detection and measurement of all kinds of gas, steam, liquid and water. Piezoelectric crystal is used as the new stress detection type vortex flowmeter. The basic principle of karman vortex street is that vortex street vortex separation frequency is proportional to the velocity. This instrument has the advantages of wide range, high precision, small pressure loss, good media, and the output of pulse signal which is proportional to the flow rate.流量變送器可用于各種氣體、蒸汽、液體和水的流量檢測及計量。采用壓電晶體作為檢測元件的新型應力檢測式渦街流量計。基本原理 卡門渦街原理,即 渦街旋渦分離頻率與流速成正比 。特點該儀表具有量程寬、精度高、壓力損失小、介質通用性好、有與流量成比例的脈沖信號輸出、便于個計算機聯用等優點。
burkert 0041876224VDC 寶德流量開
Can be matched with the following products
Type 8030
The Inline impeller type flow sensor
Type 8031
Impeller type sensor for small flow
Type 8611
ECONTROL general adjuster
類型 8030
Inline 葉輪式流量傳感器
類型 8031
類型 8611
eCONTROL 通用調節器
burkert 0041876224VDC 寶德流量開關更多寶德產品和選型可以咨詢銷售人員。