8045寶德流量開關 burkert8045
傳感器和顯示儀兩部分組成,也可做成整體式。渦輪流量計引和容積式流量計、科里奧利質量流量計稱為流量計中三類重復性、精度的產品。變送器的輸出的脈沖數。 渦輪變送器輸出的脈沖信號,經前置于放大器放大后,送入顯示儀表,就可以實現流量的測量。在渦輪旋轉的同時,葉片周期性地切割電磁鐵產生的磁力線,改變線圈的磁通量。采用葉輪進行測量原理的流量計。它先將流速轉換為渦輪的轉速,再將轉速轉換成與流量成正比的電信號。
8045寶德流量開關 burkert8045
The most accurate product. Pulse number of output of the transmitter. The pulse signal output from the turbine transmitter can be used to measure the flow rate after the amplifier is amplified and sent to the display instrument. Using impeller to measure the principle of flow meter. It converts the velocity of the velocity into a turbine's rotational speed, and then converts it into an electrical signal proportional to the flow.
8045寶德流量開關 burkert8045