burkert寶德8620 多功能調節器
mxCONTROL 8620 是一種多功能調節器,針對水處理設備(例如在加熱或冷卻系統中或者在循環滲透系設備中)中控制與調節過程的自動化研發而成。復雜的電子設備和的調節算法,能夠在操作員干預zui少的情況下,隨時確保佳的過程調節。調節器能夠同時處理多個模擬和數字輸入端以及多個繼電器、晶體管和模擬輸出端。它具有一個清晰的顯示屏,通過該顯示屏可以在三種語言模式下(英語、德語和法語)進行操作。(可根據需求設置更多語言)。調節器的工作在很大程度上基于軟件。借助于電腦工具和 SD 卡或 USB 接口,可快速、簡單地對其進行配置和參數化。裝置的配置和參數化也可選擇使用以太網接口(選項)。現場的參數化,可由操作員借助于設備上的操作按鍵進行。供貨時,調節器帶有 SD 卡,在此卡中,除了配置和參數文件之外,還包含操作說明書。三個權限級別確保了安全的操作:公共訪問、操作員訪問、專家訪問。
- 數據和事件記錄
- 一個包含大量配置可能性的調節器平臺,通過隨附的 SD 卡或 USB 接口可以快速、舒適地進行加載
- 以太網或調制解調器通訊,可以發送 或在發生事件時進行呼叫
burkert寶德8620 多功能調節器
- The mxCONTROL multifunction controller, is a microprocessor controller designed to automate the control of process variables within a water treatment system (e.g. boiler, cooling tower or Reverse Osmosis system). Sophisticated electronics and state of the art control algorithms ensure that optimum process control is maintained at all times, with minimal operator intervention. The controller is capable of processing numerous combinations of analog and digital in- and outputs. Combined with an easy to read large graphic display backlight in three languages, EN, DE, FR. Other languages on demand. The controller is highly software based. It can easily be configured/parameterized using a PC tool and SD card or USB interface. Alternatively, the optional Ethernet interface can be used to configure and to parameterize the controller. Local manual parameterizing of the controller can also be achieved via the five soft-touch keys. The controller is delivered with the SD Card containing sample configuration files and Instruction Manuals. There are 3 levels of Man-machine interface. Open access, Operator Only Access, Specialist Access.