Burkert0262二位二通膜片閥 寶德0262
即在無流量時關閉或在無流量時打開。該膜片致動器移動的主軸與閥盤克服彈簧和開關閥,主軸設計與低酚雙重密封。當作用方式 A 為關閉狀態時。控制精度 5.1普通電磁閥只有開、關兩個位置,在控制精度要求高和參數要求平穩時請選用多位電磁閥,三位常開電磁閥,具有微啟,全開和關閉三種流量。帶有伺服隔膜和強制提升裝置的先導式直通閥有兩種類型,即在無流量時關閉或在無流量時打開。當作用方式 A 為關閉狀態時,芯體會在彈簧力的作用下將先導式孔眼關閉。There are two types of the pilot direct valve with servo diaphragm and mandatory lifting device, which is to turn off or open when no flow is free. When the action mode A is closed, the core will close the pilot hole with the force of spring.
Burkert0262二位二通膜片閥 寶德0262