公司主要產品有巴氏合金、機床滑塊墊鑄塊合金、軸瓦巴氏合金、鉛基巴氏合金、巴氏合金線材、高錫合金、軸承合金、錫銻合金、鉛錫合金、三氧化二銻、錫錠、低熔點、耐腐蝕合金、焊錫、焊絲、鋅合金、球磨機巴氏合金產品等20多個系列 。
GB 340-76 《有色金屬及合金產品牌號表示方法》
GB/T 1174-1992 《鑄造軸承合金》(GB 8740-1988的替代標準)
巴氏合金的主要成分是錫、鉛、銻、銅。 其中銻和銅,用以提高合金強度和硬度。巴氏合金可簡單地分為三種:高錫合金、高鉛合金和中間合金(合金中錫和鉛均占有重要比例)。在所有這些合金系中,銻和銅均作為重要的合金化元素和硬化元素,而且其結構是由硬的、彌散于軟基質中的金屬間化合物組成。
: 傳 真:
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電子: huanyukeji
郵政編碼: 466000
公司主頁:http://.cn http://.com
地址: 中國.周口市經濟技術開發區環宇路1號
Zhoukou Universal Metal Technology Co., Ltd. is focused on the non-ferrous metal babbitt and wear-resistant materials alloy research and development, production and operations, innovative, long-term exchange information Nonferrous Metal Research Institute of China,
Our main products are babbitt, machine tools slider pad alloy ingot, bearing babbitt lead Chiba s alloy, babbitt wire, high-tin alloy, bearing alloy, tin-antimony alloy, pewter, oxide Second antimony, tin ingots, low melting point, corrosion-resistant alloys, solder, wire, zinc alloy, ball mill dedicated the babbitt products more than 20 series.
Universal babbitt Executive Standard:
GB 340-76 non-ferrous metals and alloy grades representation
GB / T 1174-1992 "cast bearing" (GB 8740-1988 instead of the standard)
Q/HY.100.001.1 bearing alloy enterprise standard (enterprise quality internal control standards)
Universal babbitt ingredients
Babbitt main component is tin, lead, antimony, copper. Antimony and copper, to improve the the alloys strength and hardness. Babbitt can simply be divided into three types: high-tin alloy, high-lead alloys and master alloys (and tin lead an important share). In all these alloys lines, antimony and copper as an important alloying element and hardening elements, and its structure is composed of hard intermetallic compound dispersed in a soft matrix.
Universal babbitt classification
According to national standards, babbitt can be divided into two kinds of tin-based alloys and lead-based alloys. The strength and hardness of the lead-based alloy is lower than tin-alloy, corrosion resistance is also poor. Babbitt, so the customer is usually used tin-based alloys, commonly used grades
zChSnSb11-6, ZChSnSb8-4, ZChSnSb8-8ZChSnSb4-4. Lead-based bearing alloy hardness, strength and toughness lower than the tin-based bearing alloy, and often do low-speed, low-load bearing alloy. Although the performance of lead-based alloy tin-based alloys, but many customers still choose to use, because it uses up more economical, their usual grades ZChPbSb16-16-2, ZChPbSb16-16-1.
--- Universal Metal Technology of