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羅克韋爾自動化(中國)有限公司>> Logix Integration for Easier HMI Development
Logix Integration for Easier HMI Development
Building improved, modern HMI applications doesn't have to be complicated; the magic lies within the power of the software. Studio 5000 View Designer® software is the design environment for the PanelView™ 5000 family of operator terminals. With an intuitive interface, tight integration with the Logix family of controllers, and simplified workflows for common development tasks, it’s here to help you improve operator effectiveness and easily configure, program and maintain your operator interfaces.
羅克韋爾自動化(中國)有限公司主營產品:Micro800 可編程邏輯控制器插件式模塊,Micro800 可編程邏輯控制器插件式模塊,Micro850 可編程邏輯控制器系統
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