★ 結構簡單緊湊,操作方便
Simple structure; easy to operate;
★ 體積小,可移動,適用范圍廣
Small; movable; wide application;
★ 在整個卸料過程中,全密閉操作,操作人員不和物料有任何接觸空料袋集中回收,防止袋內殘余物 料外泄
Material is discharged in seal condition for operator’s health. The bags will be recycled for prevent leaking of material;
★ 與集塵系統配套使用,*杜絕粉塵
Filters can be integrated to this system;
★ 可采用N2保護,應用于防爆環境
Nitrogen protection is available. It can be used in hazardous area.
★ 非標設備,手套箱外形尺寸與規格可根據客戶要求定制
Non-standard, size and type are according customer’s requirement.