您現在的位置: 無錫弘通石化裝備有限公司>>濃縮蒸發設備>> ZN型真空減壓濃縮罐
產品概述/Product overview
主要技術參數參考表/Reference table of main technical parameters
本設備主要用于對中草藥材通過熱回流提取有效成份。ZN型真空濃縮罐是通用性的蒸發裝置,可廣泛用于制藥,食品、化工、輕工等行業的水、醇或其他有機溶媒料液的蒸發濃縮。本設備適用于中藥熱回流提取、濃縮、回收酒精蒸餾揮發油以及藥渣的酒精回收等,可一罐多用。 This equipment is mainly used to extract effective component of Chinese medicinal herb by thermal reflow. The ZN type vacuum concentrator is the general evaporation device which can be widely used for evaporation and condensation of water, alcohol or other organic solvent liquid in pharmaceutical industry, food industry, chemical industry and light industry, etc. This equipment is applicable for reflow extracting of Chinese medicinal herb, concentration, recycling of distilled and volatile oil of alcohol and recycling of alcohol from dregs, etc. The concentrator is of multi-functions. |
主要技術參數參考表/Reference table of main technical parameters