GW-005 EN鞋底曲折試驗機 GW-005 EN Whole sole flexing testing machine 儀器簡介: 先在鞋底測試時在曲折處,用穿刺針穿出制定的孔,然后以本機夾具國定鞋底兩端,夾具一為固定,二為活動,測試時夾具中間之圓軸反復凸起,彎折一定次數后,以放大鏡檢視鞋底耐伸展程度。 This machine is used to determine the resistance of materials to cut growth during repeated flexing. It is especially applicable to outsoles of footwear including sole constructions. 參照標準:GB/T2099-2007 EN ISO 20344(ISO17707)SATRA TM161 Standard for:GB/T2099-2007 EN ISO 20344,SATRA TM161 技術規格: 同時可測三只大底 角 度:90o 速 度:0~150cpm可調 計數器:LED顯示 體 積;100*33*50cm 重 量:90kg Technical specifications: Sampling: 3pcs Bending angle: 90o Speed: 0~150cpm adjustable Counter: LED display Dimension: 100*33*50cm N.W.: 90kg 隨機配件:打孔器1把,內六角扳手1把。 Attached accessories: 1pc hole puncher 1pc hex wrench