GW-036 MARK-II手提式止滑試驗機 GW-036 MARK-II Slip Testing Machine 儀器簡介: 本儀器以荷重水平分力與垂直分力值之原理,測取試件與地面之zui大靜摩擦系數,本測試儀器為可攜式并可任意于干、濕式或受污染之各種材質地面,測試鞋底,鞋跟材料之抗滑性,此臺儀器只能單獨測鞋底試片的試驗,可測干、濕、油式測試。 This machine base on“The principle of load component and vertical component values"use the biggest static friction coefficient between the sample amd ground. This machine is portability and test the dry or wet material, can test the skid resistance of sole and heel. This machine can test the sole sample which wet or dry or oil. 符合標準:ASTM-F1677 Standard: Can up to ASTM-F1677 技術規格: 試片尺寸:76.2×76.2mm 地面面積:above 4’’×4’’ 以上 地面要求:水平地面 支架厚度:31.8mm 底板厚度:3/4’’ 體積:44×26×48mm 重量:15kg Technical Specifications: 1.Sample size:76.2*76.2mm 2.Ground size:about 4" * 4" 3.Ground demand : keep level 4.Holder thickness :31.88MM 5 Baseboard thickness:3/4" 6.Volume:44*26*48mm 7.Weight :15kg