When purchasing stone carving machines, we should have a general understanding of the quality of stone carving machines in advance, so as to select our own stone carving machines, ensure the operation of equipment in the later operation and better improve work efficiency. So how can we distinguish the quality of stone carving machines? Let's have a look.
1、 First, understand the performance and function of stone carving machine, which is also a key point. Because the stone carving machine generally does not belong to the scope of warranty, and the stone carving machine works continuously for a long time, if the stone carving machine is not good, it will also affect the use of the carving machine.
二、其次石材雕刻機的速度可調范圍,一般速度可調范圍是每分鐘幾千到兩萬四千轉,若速度不可調或速度可調范圍較小,那么就說明該雕刻機應用范圍就受到很大的限 制,因為雕刻不同的材料必 須用不同的雕刻頭轉速。
2、 Secondly, the speed adjustable range of the stone engraving machine is generally thousands to 24000 revolutions per minute. If the speed is not adjustable or the speed adjustable range is small, it shows that the application range of the engraving machine is greatly limited, because different engraving heads must be used for engraving different materials.
三、雕刻機本體制造工藝。大功率雕刻機工作時要求本體一定要精 密和穩定,那么在選擇的時候,可以選擇保證其加工的精度和穩定性的機械設備。
3、 Manufacturing process of engraving machine body. When the high-power engraving machine works, the body must be precise and stable, so when selecting, you can choose the mechanical equipment to ensure its processing accuracy and stability.
4、 In order to reduce the production cost of engraving machine, some manufacturers will use aluminum instead of copper and rubber cover instead of iron. Second hand spindle is also a kind of counterfeit products in the market. Through the polishing and reprocessing of the appearance, the old motorized spindle will become "new", so some companies will greatly reduce the cost.
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