DL001型溫度數據記錄儀記錄溫度,包括暖通空調測試和平衡、運輸和能源管理。 溫度記錄儀有一個板載熱敏電阻和一個用于遠程溫度測量的外部傳感器通道。 微處理器控制的電路包括固態存儲器,可以存儲多達32,768個讀數。 DL001型記錄器獨立于任何內置鋰電池的外部電源工作。 機組具有磁性背襯和鎖孔,便于安全安裝。 使用型號為DL200的Windows®軟件(單獨出售)快速編程溫度記錄器或上傳數據到計算機。
No. of Channels:Two, one internal thermistor and one external temperature sensor.
Internal Thermistor Range:-40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C).
Memory Size:32,768 readings.
Accuracy:±0.5°C (±0.9°F).
Clock Accuracy:±8 seconds per day plus one sampling interval.
Internal Thermistor Resolution:0.7°F (0.4°C), R25 value equal to 10,000Ω.
Resolution:8 bits (1 in 256).
Sampling Methods:Continuous (First-in, First-out) or Stop when full (Fill-then-stop).
Sampling Rates:8 seconds to once every 5 days, selectable.
Ambient Operating Temperature/RH:-50 to 160°F (-45 to 70°C), 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing.
Connection:Removable screw terminal.
Computer Requirements:IBM compatible 386 or above and Windows® 3.1 or later with 2MB RAM and 2MB hard drive disk space, one serial port.
Power Requirements:3.6 V TL5134 lithium metal battery, internal, factory replaceable.
Power Consumption:5-10 µA.
Housing Material:PPE & PS (polyphenylene ether & polystyrene).
External Sensor:Interchangeable NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor recommended (not included).
Weight:5 oz (110 g).
Agency Approvals:CE.
Model | Description | |||
DL001 |