型號 Model | FXS400型 | FXS650型 |
細度(目)Degree of fineness(mesh) | 20-325 | |
含水量Water content | <2% | |
主機轉速(轉/分)Main engine rotational speed(r/min) | 2350 | |
風機轉速(轉/分)Air blower rotational speed(r/min) | 2900 | |
產量Capacity(kg/h) | 700-1010 | 300-1600 |
zui大硬度Greatest degree of hardness | <6.5 | |
主機功率Main Power(kw) | 18.5 | 30 |
風機功率Air Blower Power(kw) | 4 | 7.5 |
重量(噸)Weight(t) | 1.8 | 2.5 |
型號 Model | FXS400型 | FXS650型 |
細度(目)Degree of fineness(mesh) | 20-325 | |
含水量Water content | <2% | |
主機轉速(轉/分)Main engine rotational speed(r/min) | 2350 | |
風機轉速(轉/分)Air blower rotational speed(r/min) | 2900 | |
產量Capacity(kg/h) | 700-1010 | 300-1600 |
zui大硬度Greatest degree of hardness | <6.5 | |
主機功率Main Power(kw) | 18.5 | 30 |
風機功率Air Blower Power(kw) | 4 | 7.5 |
重量(噸)Weight(t) | 1.8 | 2.5 |