ZK320自動書籍勒口機的主要功能是將上封裝訂后的書本按尺寸裁切前口、封面壓痕、折頁,從而完成書封前口的折頁工序。該操作簡單,調整方便,簡化了裝訂工序。 The ZK320 Automatic BOOKcover Gate-folding Machine is designed mainle for the following functions:to trim the edge of the covered books according to the book size, to score and fole the bookcover so as to complete the edge folding process. The machine is easily to be operated and adjusted so the book binding process is simplified. | |
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l 自動送書和收書; l 前口裁切平整、折頁準確; l 一次性完成裁切前口、封面壓痕、折頁工序; l 生產效率高,省時,耗材少。 l Automatically transfering and delivering books; l Edge trimmed neatly and folded accuray; l Edge trimming, cover scoring and folding process are accomplishd and in the same machine; l High productivity, timesaving, less material consumption. |