光伏組件生產線 100兆瓦太陽能組件產線設備
Supply Turnkey Solutions
Zhongbu Quantian New Energy provides full-line solutions and turnkey engineering services for automated photovoltaic modules
Individual Demand Customization
Sunic powerful R&D team can make the plant design, choose the right equipment and automation level?according to customer’s requirement.
光伏組件自動化生產線:Automatic Production Line for Photovoltaic Module
高產出:High Productivity
高穩定性:High Stability
高自動化:High Automation
成本優勢:Cost Advantage
適用組件范圍:Applicable Module Range
a. 標準長1640-2600mm, 寬950-1500mm, 高20-50mm;
standard length 1640-2600mm, width 950-1500m, height 20-50mm.
b. 可定制化
適用組件類別:Applicable Module Category
a. 5主柵,多主柵,背接觸,金屬穿孔,異質結,N型
5 busbars, multiple busbars, back contact, through metal vias, heterojunction, N-type;
b. 全片,半片,疊瓦
full piece, half piece, imbricated tile
c. 有框,有框無C面,無框
with frame, with frame without C side, without frame
d. 常規,雙玻/雙面,輕質組件,薄膜組件
regular, double-glass/double sided, lightweight module, thin-film module
智能物流:intelligent logistics
機器視覺:machine vision
信息系統:information system
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500MW產線:500MW Production line
CAD布局圖:CAD Layout
1. 全自動串焊機:Full Auto Soldering Bussing Machine
2. 機器人排版機:Auto Robot Layup Machine
3. 機器人上玻璃機:Auto Robot Glass Loading Machine
4. EVA裁切鋪設機:EVA Cutting&Laying Machine
5. 90·轉向傳輸機:90· Turning Conveyor
6. 緩存機:Buffer
7. 傳輸機:Conveyor
8. 自動上模版機:Auto Template Loading Machine
9. 匯流焊:Junction Welding
10. 二次EVA/TPT裁切鋪設機: EVA/TPT 2nd Cutting&Laying Machine
11. 雙玻合膜機:Double Glass Film Machine
12. EL檢測儀:EL Detector
13. 水平旋轉機:Horizontal Rotary Machine
14. 混進機:Mixing Inlet Machine
15. 層壓機:Laminating Machine
16. 混出機:Mixing Outlet Machine
17. 層后橫向折疊傳輸機:Horizontal Fold Conveyor after Lamination
18. 自動削邊機:Auto Edge Trimming Machine
19. 翻轉檢測臺:Turn-over Tester
20. 打膠裝框一體機:Auto Gluing and Framing Integrated Machine
21. 接線盒涂膠安裝機:Junction Box Adhesive Installation Machine
22. 接線盒焊接機:Junction Box Welding Machine
23. 全自動接線盒灌膠機:Fully Auto Juction Box Glue Filling Machine
24. 固化上/下料機:Curing Loading/Unloading Machine
25. 固化鏈板機: Curing Chain Plate Machine
26. 180·翻轉機:180·Turning Machine
27. 對中(規正)機:Alignment Machine
28. 絕緣IV測試儀:Insulation IV tester
29. 機器人分檔裝箱機:Robot Sorting and Packing Machine